
class, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: mpf.core.system_wide_device.SystemWideDevice

Represents a light connected to a traditional lamp matrix in a pinball machine.

This light could be an incandescent lamp or a replacement single-color LED. The key is that they're connected up to a lamp matrix.

Accessing gis in code

The device collection which contains the gis in your machine is available via self.machine.gis. For example, to access one called "foo", you would use You can also access gis in dictionary form, e.g. self.machine.gis['foo'].

You can also get devices by tag or hardware number. See the DeviceCollection documentation for details.

Methods & Attributes

Gis have the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from base classes are not included here.


Register a handler to be called when this GI changes state.


Disable this GI string.

enable(brightness=255, **kwargs)

Enable this GI string.

  • brightness -- Int from 0-255 of how bright you want this to be. 255 is on. 0 os iff. Note that not all GI strings on all machines support this.
  • fade_ms -- How quickly you'd like this GI string to fade to this brightness level. This is not implemented.

Remove a handler from the list of registered handlers.