
This documentation is for an unreleased version of MPF!

This is the developer documentation for MPF 0.54, which is the “dev” (next) release of MPF that is a work-in-progress. Use the “Read the Docs” link in the lower left corner to view the developer docs for the version of MPF you’re using.

Annotating events for MPF docs

You usually write the following to post an event in code:

# this event is posted when something awesome happens
self.machine.events.post("your_awesome_event", reason=what_happened)

This will work. However, nobody will know about your shiny new event. Therefore, we want to document it for our users. Since it would be dublicate work to document the event in code and in the docs, we use a custom docblock annotation:

self.machine.events.post("your_awesome_event", reason=what_happened)
'''event: your_awesome_event

desc: This event is posted when something awesome happens. We suggest that
you play a loud sound and show some flashy slides when this happens.

  reason: The reason for this awesomeness is stated here.

The event will be automatically added to the event reference on the next update of the documentation.