
Plugin config player.

class mpf.config_players.plugin_player.PluginPlayer(machine)

Base class for a remote ConfigPlayer that is registered as a plug-in to MPF.

This class is created on the MPF side of things.

Initialise plugin player.


Clear the context at remote player via BCP.

config_play_callback(settings, calling_context, priority=0, mode=None, **kwargs)

Callback for standalone player.


Not supported.


Return full config.


Parse config list.

mode_start(config, priority, mode)

Add events for mode.


Remove events for mode.

play(settings, context, calling_context, priority=0, **kwargs)

Trigger remote player via BCP.

process_config(config, **kwargs)

Process system-wide config.

Called every time mpf starts, regardless of whether config was built from cache or config files.

process_mode_config(config, root_config_dict, mode, **kwargs)

Parse mode config.

register_player_events(config, mode=None, priority=0)

Register player events via BCP.

Override this method in the base class and registers the config_player events to send the trigger via BCP instead of calling the local play() method.

show_play_callback(settings, priority, calling_context, show_tokens, context)

Callback if used in a show.


Callback if show stops.


Unload player events via BCP.


Validate this player’s section of a config file (either a machine-wide config or a mode config).

  • config – A dict of the contents of this config_player’s section
  • the config file. It's assumed that keys are event names, and (from) –
  • are settings for what this config_player does when that (values) –
  • is posted. (event) –
Returns: A dict in the same format, but passed through the config
validate_config_entry(settings, name)

Validate one entry of this player.