
Classes which manage BCP transports.

class mpf.core.bcp.bcp_transport.BcpTransportManager(machine)

Manages BCP transports.

Initialise BCP transport manager.

add_handler_to_transport(handler, transport: mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient)

Register client as handler.

get_named_client(client_name) → mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient

Get a client by name.


Get clients which registered for a certain handler.


Register a client.

remove_transport_from_handle(handler, transport: mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient)

Remove client from a certain handler.

send_to_all_clients(bcp_command, **kwargs)

Send command to all bcp clients.

send_to_client(client: mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient, bcp_command, **kwargs)

Send command to a specific bcp client.

send_to_clients(clients, bcp_command, **kwargs)

Send command to a list of clients.

send_to_clients_with_handler(handler, bcp_command, **kwargs)

Send command to clients which registered for a specific handler.


Prepare the BCP clients for MPF shutdown.

unregister_transport(transport: mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient)

Unregister client.