
class mpf.platforms.spi_bit_bang.SpiBitBangPlatform(machine)

Bases: mpf.core.platform.SwitchPlatform

Platform which reads switch via SPI using bit banging.

Accessing the spi_bit_bang platform via code

Hardware platforms are stored in the self.machine.hardware_platforms dictionary, so the spi_bit_bang platform is available via self.machine.hardware_platforms['spi_bit_bang'].

Methods & Attributes

The spi_bit_bang platform has the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from base classes are not included here.

configure_switch(number: str, config: mpf.core.platform.SwitchConfig, platform_config: dict) → mpf.platforms.interfaces.switch_platform_interface.SwitchPlatformInterface

Configure switch.


Read initial hardware state.

This will always be false for all inputs on those switches.


Register handler for late init.


Read from SPI.